designed to stand out
Our visual identities offer much more than just a logo. We capture the essence of a brand in an inspiring visual narrative. And create clever style formulas that keep the brand iconic and vital. So the communication power for every conceivable medium or format will be guaranteed.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
RTL·XL has transformed TV in the Netherlands from analogue to a dynamic, personal experience. We have translated this approach into an accessible brand style with a wide scope of possibilities that establishes a strong connection between the viewer and the brand.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
POURVOUS has been the first perfumery chain active in the Benelux since the 1960s. We have kissed this stylish lady awake with a timeless design, that does justice to both the classic preferences of regular customers and the contemporary needs of the next generation and their new media.
Senior Designer @ KoeweidenPostma –
HEMA is the most popular retail chain in the Netherlands, where special stock is common. Here we have put the customer experience central, with striking photography and colorful design. The design system is pragmatic, so that the daily campaigns and packaging can be easily applied.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
VEKTIS is a cooperative body of all Dutch insurers. With the aim of using statistics to structurally improve the health of the nation. This brand style combines the impact of large numbers and the nuance of the human scale in a warm design that provides insight.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
VELOMEDIA is a passionate club of cyclists from the amstrerdam media industry. Their appreciation for branding has led to a style of their own, with an iconic logo and outfit in which the crosses from the city's coat of arms are stylishly linked to their beloved sport.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
MUZUS is a design agency in search of the ultimate customer experience. To support their process, we have developed a flexible branding style, which can be used as a handy tool. And also shows their mission in a stimulating way; to practice what they preach.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
CLINI·CLOWNS offer children and the elderly a special moment in difficult times. We have experienced how magical their empathetic approach can be and were inspired to apply something similar in this brand style. Here too much can be expressed with limited resources.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
TRIPLE strives to bring the future a little closer, through their imagination and smart innovations. Together with their brightest minds, we have developed a brand style that functions almost literally as a portal. Which creates a visual bridge between the promise and the conquest.
Creative Director @ KoeweidenPostma –
NATIONALE-NEDERLANDEN has been a trusted provider of financial products in the Netherlands for many generations. We initially gave the brand a vibrant update. But their ambitions went further, so we helped to prepare the brand for entering the global market.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
JUKE is not the most innovative music platform for hip early adapters, but the most accessible radio service for the casual user. With this brand and the applied design we wanted to treat this group to an exuberant atmosphere and the royal user experience that they too deserve.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
TALPA·NETWORK offers advertisers a one-stop shop for a range of touchpoint and media channels. And they also intent to be the proud home of countless headstrong media brands. To keep that promise, we kept it simple, because sometimes more can be done with less.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
TIJDSCHRIFT·NL is the digital bundling of all Sanoma magazines in one single app. We've compressed the long name into a charming header, under which any reader can star on their own cover. The content has been made accessible by a sophisticated layout and juicy colors.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
CAMPTOO is a start-up that connects traditional motorhome and caravan owners with a new group of holidaymakers. To make this mission a success, we have developed a suitable company name and brand style that gives confidence to newbe's and knows how to inspire veterans.
Senior Designer @ KoeweidenPostma –
GETRONICS was a large Dutch ICT company that almost nobody knew and their industry had an image problem. The hidden power of their work became the hero for this brand style, boosting their pride and recruitment, until the brand disappears into oblivian again in 2011.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
TEAM ALZHEIMER is the alliance between a research center and the business community, who raise money with eye-catching products. To emphasize the urgency, we have turned the logo into a messenger that always states a different poignant fact about this horrible disease.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
WUN / DER - taste the difference! On our 5th anniversary we served two different drinks; a spicy Japanese lager and a jovial German beer. A division arose among the visitors with a definite preference for one or the other. While only the labels were different.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
WUNDER is an expressive branding agency that creates striking brands. That is why the own branding style has a logo that is so simple and iconic that the content can be easily played with and tailored to the occasion. So even a simple email signature can tell a story.
Creative Director @ KoeweidenPostma –
SUPER CERAME - a Moroccan tile manufacturer - wanted to showcase their versatile, colored collection. This (rejected) concept for their branding style offered a specially developed toolkit for creating illustrations, both for promotion… and also for the consumer.
Creative Director @ Wunder –
LUMION is an inspiring school that renews education from within by taking the pupil seriously. This brand style is not childish but an ambitious invitation, to relate yourself to the one you can become. Because this moment in time can really turn out to be decisive for the future.
Senior Designer @ KoeweidenPostma –
THE DUTCH GOVERNMENT declined this logo proposal at the time. Despite using the iconic lion map, wich symbolizes the emergence of the Dutch landscape and its governance. Up close you see policy areas and from afar a shaded logo in the style of a Rembrandt etching.
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